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Approval Package

1.6 Approval Package Process


The purpose of this phase of the directives process is to provide the final draft directive to the appropriate approval authority after the DRB has concurred.


The Deputy Secretary is the approval authority for DOE Policies and Orders, save for specific Orders that require Secretarial approval. The Director, Office of Management, is the approval authority for DOE Guides.

The Directives Program will provide templates for the approval package materials, which can be drafted while the OPR awaits final concurrence. Once the OPR is notified that the Department has concurred upon the final draft directive through the DRB, the OPR will send the Directives Program the approval memorandum, signed by their Head of Departmental Element, and the other approval package materials.

If the directive is a DOE Policy or Order, the Directives Program will submit the approval package materials to the Executive Secretariat for routing and approval to the Deputy Secretary or the Secretary.

If the directive is a DOE Guide, the Directives Program will submit the approval package materials to the Director, Office of Management, for approval.

Once the directive is approved, the Directives Program will inform the OPR of the approval and will provide a copy of the signed approval memo to the OPR for their records. The Directives Program will publish the approved directive to the Directives website and any directives that are canceled or superseded will be archived. The Directives Program will inform the OPR once the directive is posted.

Following the posting of the directive, a notification of the new final directive will be sent to HDEs, DRB members, Heads of Contracting Activity, and other personnel who have requested notification. If the directive is a DOE Order, this notification will note if the Order includes a Contractor Requirements Document.

Approval Package Flowchart

Signature Package-Expedited Flowchart


Document Actions