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DRB Request Memo Review

1.1 DRB Request Memo Review


Directives Review Board (DRB) request memos ensure Heads of Departmental Elements agree and are aware of proposed actions, give the DRB the opportunity to review the scope of the proposed directives action, and establish a timeline to complete the effort. The DRB will consider how the proposed action will affect their represented offices and whether they agree to the proposal.


Once received, the DRB is provided with the request memo for review. The review may be extended at the request of the DRB or when additional documents are needed for consideration.

The DRB members review the request and determine if there are any issues/concerns with the proposal. The DRB may request the OPR attend a DRB meeting to provide a more in-depth brief to the members.

Once the DRB has determined their response to the request, the DRB Chair will sign the request memo, and the Directives Program will inform the OPR of the DRB’s decision.

DRB Request Memo Flowchart

DRB Review Standard


Document Actions