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2.0 Expedited Process

If an Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) believes the changes to a directive are a candidate for an expedited review, the OPR will meet with the Directives Program. In this meeting, the Directives Program will help determine if the change is a viable candidate, explain the overall process to the OPR, and give the OPR the templates they will need.

After this meeting, the OPR will produce a DRB Request Memo, signed by the OPR’s head of office and the Head of Departmental Element on the throughline. The memo must explain why an expedited change is needed. The purpose of the memo is to give the DRB an understanding of the proposed action and provide any necessary background.

Once the request memo is complete, the OPR will send it to the Directives Program to begin the DRB Request Memo Review.

If the DRB has major concerns with the proposed directives action, the Directives Action Request memo will be sent back to the OPR to reevaluate and redraft the memo to address the concerns of the DRB members.

If the DRB approves the action, the Directives Program will inform the OPR and begin a Concurrence Review.

If an office non-concurs, the OPR will work with the objecting office to attempt to reach agreement. If agreement cannot be reached and the OPR wishes to continue with the revision, the Directives Action Request memo will be modified to show the use of the standard timeline and the directive will be removed from the expedited review process.

If all offices concur on the draft directive, the OPR will develop the approval memo and an action synopsis for S2 approval. The approval memo must provide the rational for the changes and provide background on the effort. The action synopsis will provide specific changes to the directive and any major concerns encountered during the review.

The Directives program will collect all required documents from the OPR, and compile and submit the Approval Package

Expedited Process Flowchart

Expedited Process Flowchart


Document Actions