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DOE M 151.1-1, Power Marketing Administration Emergency Management Program Manual

Functional areas: Emergency Preparedness, Safety and Security,

This Manual establishes emergency management policy and requirements for emergency planning, preparedness, readiness assurance, and response for the Department's Power Marketing Administrations. Canceled by DOE O 151.1D. Supersedes DOE O 5500.11.

m1511-1.pdf -- PDF Document, 58 KB

Writer: David Freshwater
  • Management and Operations
  • Safety
  • Security
ID: DOE M 151.1-1
Type: Manual
OPI: NA - National Nuclear Security Administration
Status: Archive
Approved Date: Sep 18, 2008
Invoking Directive: No

Except for Bonneville Power Administration, Southeastern Power Administration, Southwestern Power Administration, Southwestern Power Administration, Western Area Power Administration, the Office of Emergency Operations within the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Office of Public Affairs all other DOE elements are excluded.

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