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Cancellation Process

3.0 Cancellation Process

An Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) considering the cancelation of a directive will need to consult with the Directives Program to get an understanding of the process and receive the appropriate templates.

3.1 DRB Request Memo Review

Directives Review Board (DRB) request memos ensure Heads of Departmental Elements agree and are aware of proposed actions, give the DRB the opportunity to review the scope of the proposed directives action, and establish a timeline to complete the effort. The DRB will consider how the proposed action will affect their represented offices and whether they agree to the proposal. 

3.2 Concurrence Review Process

The concurrence review process allows organizations to understand the OPR rationale for canceling the directive. After the DPCs provide a concurrence determination for their organization, the report will be provided to the DRB for a final determination. The DRB provides the final recommendation for approval to the Deputy Secretary.

3.3 Impasse Process

The Impasse Process provides offices the chance to have their concerns addressed. The objective is to resolve the issue at the lowest possible level and only escalate if necessary. 

3.4 Approval Package Process

Once the signed memo is provided to the Directives Program, the memo will be sent to the DRB for their review. This is explained in detail in the DRB Request Memo Review.

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