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Prioritization Process

4.0 Prioritization Process

Annually, the Directives Program, in conjunction with the Directives Review Board (DRB), solicits feedback from organizations with directive responsibilities to determine which directives will be revised or created during the coming year. Once approved, the list serves to determine the resources needed from each organization during the coming year as well as the justification for scheduled directives actions.

The Prioritization process begins with the Directives Program updating the Prioritization List from the prior year. The Directives Program then distributes the Prioritization List to all organizations, through their respective DRB member, for a two-week review. Organizations may provide their feedback to the Directives Program or through their DRB representative. The review may be extended at the request of the DRB.

The Directives Program will incorporate any changes DRB members may have into the Prioritization List. Then, the Directives Program will distribute the updated Prioritization List to the DRB for a concurrence review. This process is repeated until full concurrence is reached.

The prioritization effort is complete once all DRB members concur with the Prioritization List. Then, the Directives Program will begin scheduling meetings with the Offices of Primary Responsibility (OPRs) who have actions on the Prioritization List.

Prioritization Process Flowchart

Prioritization Flowchart


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