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DRAFT - DOE O 442.1B - Second Draft, Department of Energy Employee Concerns Program

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Aug 10, 2016 07:14 PM

The Order establishes basic criteria and processes to maintain a consistent Employee Concerns Program (ECP) across the Department, including NNSA, that encourages the free and open expression of employee concerns; provides DOE/NNSA federal, contractor, and sub contractor employees with an independent avenue to raise any employee concern as defined in this Order; and supports a strong safety culture where employee concerns can be raised without fear of retaliation. This is a second posting for DOE O 442.1B following organizational changes and transfer of OPI from the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity to the Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security, which resulted in a rewrite of the text. The author will submit responses to comments on the first draft concurrently with responses on this draft.

DRAFT - DOE O 442.1B - Second Draft, Department of Energy Employee Concerns Program - Read More…

New - DOE O 461.1C, Packaging and Transportation for Offsite Shipment of Materials of National Security Interest

by Diane Johnson — last modified Aug 01, 2016 07:10 PM

The purpose of this Order is to make clear that the packaging and transportation of all offsite shipments of Materials of National Security Interest (MNSI) for DOE must be conducted in accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations that would be applicable to comparable commercial shipments, except where an alternative course of action is identified in this Order.

New - DOE O 461.1C, Packaging and Transportation for Offsite Shipment of Materials of National Security Interest - Read More…

New - DOE O 456.1A, The Safe Handling of Unbound Engineered Nanoparticles

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Jul 19, 2016 01:34 PM

The Order establishes requirements and assigns responsibilities for activities involving unbound engineered nanoparticles (UNP) to ensure that work involving UNP occurs in a safe and secure manner that protects workers, the public, and the environment.

New - DOE O 456.1A, The Safe Handling of Unbound Engineered Nanoparticles - Read More…

Notice of Intent to Revise DOE Order 442.1A, Department of Energy Employee Concerns Program

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Jun 17, 2016 02:04 PM

Revisions to DOE O 442.1A will help to bring about greater consistency throughout the DOE complex in the approach to processing employee concerns, and to support safety conscious work environment efforts.

Notice of Intent to Revise DOE Order 442.1A, Department of Energy Employee Concerns Program - Read More…

Notice of Intent to Develop DOE P XXX.X, Contractor Assurance Systems Policy

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Jun 17, 2016 02:04 PM

The Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories (CRENEL) found that the implementation of contractor assurance system (CAS) is inconsistent and recommended that DOE ensure greater uniformity across the complex. CRENEL also recommended that site offices more extensively use data from CAS.

Notice of Intent to Develop DOE P XXX.X, Contractor Assurance Systems Policy - Read More…

NEW - DOE N 251.116, Cancellation of Directives

by Diane Johnson — last modified May 27, 2016 06:52 PM

Effective immediately the following Department of Energy directive is canceled. DOE P 111.1, Departmental Organization Management System, dated 08-27-96

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New - DOE N 251.115, Cancellation of Directives

by Patricia Greeson — last modified May 20, 2016 04:15 PM

Cancels DOE O 350.2B, Use of Management and Operating (M&O) or other Facility Management Contractor Employees for Services to DOE in the Washington D.C. Area, dated 5-31-11.

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New - DOE O 413.3B Chg 2 (PgChg), Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets

by Patricia Greeson — last modified May 17, 2016 07:52 PM

The purpose of this Order is to a) provide the Department of Energy (DOE) Elements, including the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), with program and project management direction for the acquisition of capital assets with the goal of delivering projects within the original performance baseline (PB), cost and schedule, and fully capable of meeting mission performance, safeguards and security, and environmental, safety, and health requirements unless impacted by a directed change; and b) implement Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars to include: A-11, Part 7, Capital Programming Guide, which prescribes new requirements and leading practices for project and acquisition management; A-123, Management's Responsibility for Internal Control, which defines management's responsibility for internal control in Federal agencies; and A-131, Value Engineering, which requires that all Federal agencies use Value Engineering (VE) as a management tool. Supersedes DOE O 413.3B Chg 1 (AdminChg)

New - DOE O 413.3B Chg 2 (PgChg), Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets - Read More…

Draft - DOE O 460.1D, Hazardous Materials Packaging And Transportation Safety

by Patricia Greeson — last modified May 27, 2016 01:08 PM

The Order establishes safety requirements for the proper packaging and transportation of offsite shipments and onsite transfers of radioactive and other hazardous materials, and for modal transportation.

Draft - DOE O 460.1D, Hazardous Materials Packaging And Transportation Safety - Read More…

New - DOE O 443.1B Chg1 (PgChg), Protection of Human Research Subjects

by Patricia Greeson — last modified May 05, 2016 05:45 PM

The Order establishes DOE-specific policy and principles for the protection of human subjects involved in DOE research, and DOE procedures and responsibilities for implementing the policy and requirements set forth in Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 46, Protection of Human Subjects, and 10 CFR Part 745, Protection of Human Subjects. Supersedes DOE O 443.1B.

New - DOE O 443.1B Chg1 (PgChg), Protection of Human Research Subjects - Read More…

NEW - DOE O 241.1B Chg 1 (Admin Chg), Scientific and Technical Information Management

by Diane Johnson — last modified Apr 28, 2016 08:08 PM

The purpose of this directive is to ensure that STI is appropriately managed as part of the DOE mission to enable the advancement of scientific knowledge and technological innovation. Supersedes DOE O 241.1A and DOE O 241.1A Chg 1.

NEW - DOE O 241.1B Chg 1 (Admin Chg), Scientific and Technical Information Management - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE O 151.1D, Comprehensive Emergency Management System

by Diane Johnson — last modified Apr 20, 2016 07:56 PM

To provide the Department of Energy policy for the development, management, and administration of the DOE Emergency Management System.

DRAFT - DOE O 151.1D, Comprehensive Emergency Management System - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE O 470.3C, Design Basis Threat (DBT) Policy

by Diane Johnson — last modified Apr 20, 2016 06:25 PM

The DBT Policy (formerly Graded Security Protection (GSP) Policy) establishes intelligence community informed security performance metrics but is not a threat statement or an intelligence assessment. The policy is designed to represent a stable set of goals for the planning and implementation of Departmental safeguards and security programs for the next 3 - 5 years. The policy embodies risk management by defining the parameters of credible threats that must be addressed, further adjustments to Department-wide performance standards may be justified by specific site and/or mission imperatives. DOE’s security risk management philosophy is based on establishing and maintaining a graded approach and defense-in-depth safeguards and security program. Several factors were identified during the 2015 GSP annual review which highlighted the need to update the policy in terms of the risk management considerations, which include the consequence posed by the loss, theft, and/or unauthorized use of an asset; intelligence pertaining to current and future objectives and characteristics of adversaries. The 2008 GSP policy is beyond the predicated intelligence life-cycle and requires a revision.

DRAFT - DOE O 470.3C, Design Basis Threat (DBT) Policy - Read More…

Notice of Intent to Revise DOE O 221.2A, Cooperation with the Office of Inspector General

by Diane Johnson — last modified Apr 12, 2016 07:26 PM

It is necessary to update the current version of this directive due to lack of consistent application and understanding of its provisions. DOE employees, program officials and managers, as well as employees of major facilities contractors, have indicated to OIG personnel that the directive, as currently written, is not sufficiently clear with respect to the nature and extent of cooperation with the OIG that is required.

Notice of Intent to Revise DOE O 221.2A, Cooperation with the Office of Inspector General - Read More…

New - DOE O 473.3A, Protection Program Operations

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Apr 12, 2016 07:27 PM

The Order establishes requirements for the management and operation of the DOE Federal Protective Forces (FPF), Contractor Protective Forces (CPF), and the Physical Security of property and personnel under the cognizance of DOE. Supersedes DOE O 473.3. NOTE: Safeguards and Security Alarm Management and Control Systems, of DOE O 473.3, is retained as Attachment 3, Annex 1.

New - DOE O 473.3A, Protection Program Operations - Read More…

New - DOE N 251.114, Cancellation of DOE Directive

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Mar 07, 2016 09:46 PM

Cancellation of DOE G 481.1-1, Work for Others Guide, dated 9-24-97

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NEW - DOE M 441.1-1 Chg 1 (Admin Chg)

by Diane Johnson — last modified Feb 25, 2016 08:10 PM

The manual provides detailed packaging requirements for protecting workers from exposure to nuclear materials stored outside of an approved engineered contamination barrier. Supersedes DOE M 441.1-1, dated 3-7-08.

NEW - DOE M 441.1-1 Chg 1 (Admin Chg) - Read More…

New - DOE P 470.1B, Safeguards and Security Program

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Feb 17, 2016 04:27 PM

The Safeguards and Security Program ensures that the Department of Energy efficiently and effectively meets all its obligations to protect Special Nuclear Material, other nuclear materials, classified matter, sensitive information, government property and facilities, and the safety and security of employees, contractors, and the general public.

New - DOE P 470.1B, Safeguards and Security Program - Read More…

Notice of Intent to Revise DOE O 430.1B, Real Property Asset Management

by Diane Johnson — last modified Feb 05, 2016 04:02 PM

The proposed revision would update the existing order to enact the Asset Management Plan, institutionalize the recommendations of the Laboratory Operations Board (LOB) working groups on infrastructure, and incorporate government-wide real property policies and practices mandated since 2003.

Notice of Intent to Revise DOE O 430.1B, Real Property Asset Management - Read More…

Notice of Intent to Submit Page Changes to Revise DOE O 552.1A, Travel Policy and Procedures

by Diane Johnson — last modified Feb 18, 2021 01:20 PM

A page change is being undertaken to reflect changes in responsibilities brought about by the August 2013 reorganization which transferred travel related functions and systems between the Office of Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) and the Office of Management (MA).

Notice of Intent to Submit Page Changes to Revise DOE O 552.1A, Travel Policy and Procedures - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE O 552.1A, Travel Policy and Procedures

by Diane Johnson — last modified Feb 05, 2016 02:15 PM

This Order supplements the Federal Travel Regulation which is the principal source of policy for Federal employee travel and relocation matters and establishes DOE M 552.1-1A as the repository for supplementary travel requirements information for the Department of Energy.

DRAFT - DOE O 552.1A, Travel Policy and Procedures - Read More…

Draft - DOE G 413.3-5B, Performance Baseline Guide

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Feb 03, 2016 09:47 PM

The guide identifies key PB elements, development processes, and practices; describes the context in which DOE PB development occurs; and suggests ways of addressing the critical elements in PB development.

Draft - DOE G 413.3-5B, Performance Baseline Guide - Read More…

New - DOE N 443.1, Protection of Human Subjects in Classified Research

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Feb 01, 2016 08:19 PM

This notice supplements DOE O 443.1B and 10 CFR Part 745 by addressing the Department of Energy (DOE)-specific requirements for the protection of human subjects involved in research that is classified, in whole or in part.

New - DOE N 443.1, Protection of Human Subjects in Classified Research - Read More…

Draft - DOE O 456.1A, The Safe Handling of Unbound Engineered Nanoparticles

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Feb 01, 2016 06:52 PM

The Order establishes requirements and assigns responsibilities for activities involving unbound engineered nanoparticles (UNP) to ensure that work involving UNP occurs in a safe and secure manner that protects workers, the public, and the environment.

Draft - DOE O 456.1A, The Safe Handling of Unbound Engineered Nanoparticles - Read More…

Draft - DOE O 221.1B, Reporting Fraud, Waste and Abuse to the Office of Inspector General

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Jan 29, 2016 06:50 PM

The Order establishes requirements and responsibilities for reporting fraud, waste, abuse, misuse, corruption, criminal acts, and mismanagement to the DOE Office of Inspector General.

Draft - DOE O 221.1B, Reporting Fraud, Waste and Abuse to the Office of Inspector General - Read More…

Draft - DOE O 460.1D, Second Draft, Hazardous Materials Packaging and Transportation Safety

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Jan 21, 2016 08:31 PM

The Order establishes safety requirements for the proper packaging and transportation of Department of offsite shipments and onsite transfers of radioactive and other hazardous materials, and for modal transportation. This second draft is based on changes in response to comments on the first draft and additional changes made by the current author. This is an expedited review.

Draft - DOE O 460.1D, Second Draft, Hazardous Materials Packaging and Transportation Safety - Read More…

Draft - DOE O 313.1A, Management and Funding of the Department’s Overseas Presence

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Apr 08, 2021 06:19 PM

The Order delineates DOE and NNSA requirements and responsibilities governing DOE's Overseas Presence in order to effectively implement U.S. national security objectives concerning energy security, nuclear security, and scientific discovery and innovation overseas through the presence of qualified DOE employees and contractors.

Draft - DOE O 313.1A, Management and Funding of the Department’s Overseas Presence - Read More…

Recently Approved Justification Memoranda

by Diane Johnson — last modified Jan 11, 2016 09:20 PM

The following approved Justification Memos have been added to the DOE Directives Portal:

Recently Approved Justification Memoranda - Read More…

Draft - DOE O 325.3, Staffing and Placement

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Jan 07, 2016 11:05 PM

The Order establishes requirements and responsibilities for recruiting and staffing all competitive positions and General Schedule excepted service positions under Schedule A, B, and D at DOE.

Draft - DOE O 325.3, Staffing and Placement - Read More…

NEW - DOE O 329.1A Chg 1 (Admin Chg), Excepted Service Authorities for EJ and EK Pay Plans

by Patricia Greeson — last modified Dec 30, 2015 07:07 PM

The order establishes requirements and responsibilities for the employment and compensation of individuals when using DOE expected service authorities. Supersedes DOE O 329.1A.

NEW - DOE O 329.1A Chg 1 (Admin Chg), Excepted Service Authorities for EJ and EK Pay Plans - Read More…

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