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NEW - DOE O 420.1 Chg 1, Facility Safety

by Diane Johnson — last modified Mar 06, 2015 05:55 PM

The Order establishes facility and programmatic safety requirements for DOE and NNSA for nuclear safety design criteria, fire protection, criticality safety, natural phenomena hazards (NPH) mitigation, and System Engineer Program. This Page Change is limited in scope to changes necessary to invoke DOE-STD-1104, Review and Approval of Nuclear Facility Safety Basis and Safety Design Basis Document, and revised DOE-STD-3009-2014, Preparation of Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Documented Safety Analysis as required methods. DOE O 420.1C Chg 1, dated 2-27-15, cancels DOE O 420.1C, dated 12-4-12.

NEW - DOE O 420.1 Chg 1, Facility Safety - Read More…

Notice of Intent to Develop DOE G 430.1-8, Asset Revitalization Initiative Guide for Sustainable Asset Management and Reuse

by Diane Johnson — last modified Feb 24, 2015 08:43 PM

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Order 430.1B, Real Property Asset Management, calls for the agency to "establish a corporate, holistic, and performance-based approach to real property life-cycle asset management." It discusses requirements to properly plan, acquire, maintain, recapitalize, and dispose of assets, while recognizing the importance of stakeholder involvement, privatization, cultural and natural preservation, and local economic development.

Notice of Intent to Develop DOE G 430.1-8, Asset Revitalization Initiative Guide for Sustainable Asset Management and Reuse - Read More…

Notice of Intent to Revise DOE O 227.1, Independent Oversight Program, 08-30-11

by Diane Johnson — last modified Feb 24, 2015 08:40 PM

This directive is proposed for revision to reflect the establishment of the Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA) by Secretary Moniz in May 2014, and the Secretary's expectations for the enterprise-wide internal management assessment function performed by EA as articulated in his June 27, 2014, memorandum to all Departmental Elements.

Notice of Intent to Revise DOE O 227.1, Independent Oversight Program, 08-30-11 - Read More…

Notice of Intent to Revise Department of Energy Order 426.2 Change 1, Personnel Selection, Training, Qualification and Certification Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities

by Diane Johnson — last modified Feb 24, 2015 08:37 PM

The Office of Nuclear Safety consulted field and Headquarters (HQ) offices on whether or not a revision is warranted for DOE O 426.2. As a result, certain aspects of DOE O 426.2 were identified as needing clarification and revision. Based on this feedback, the revision is intended to clarify educational requirements, certification requirements, and applicability. Addressing these concerns should improve operating training programs, and result in less time focused on managing ambiguous or possibly unnecessary requirements.

Notice of Intent to Revise Department of Energy Order 426.2 Change 1, Personnel Selection, Training, Qualification and Certification Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities - Read More…

NEW - DOE N 251.113, Cancellation of Directives

by Diane Johnson — last modified Jan 29, 2015 05:44 PM

Effective immediately the following Department of Energy directive is canceled. DOE M 452.2-2, Nuclear Explosive Safety Evaluation Processes, dated 04-14-2009.

NEW - DOE N 251.113, Cancellation of Directives - Read More…

NEW - DOE O 452.2E, Nuclear Explosive Safety

by Diane Johnson — last modified Jan 29, 2015 05:39 PM

This Department of Energy (DOE) Order establishes requirements to implement the nuclear explosive safety (NES) elements of DOE O 452.1D, Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety Program, or successor directive, for routine and planned nuclear explosive operations (NEOs).

NEW - DOE O 452.2E, Nuclear Explosive Safety - Read More…

NEW - DOE O 452.1E, Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety Program

by Diane Johnson — last modified Jan 29, 2015 05:37 PM

All nuclear explosives and nuclear explosive operations require special safety, security, and use control consideration because of the potentially unacceptable consequences of an accident or unauthorized act; therefore, a Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety (NEWS) Program is established to prevent unintended/unauthorized detonation and deliberate unauthorized use of nuclear explosives.

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NEW - DOE O 422.1 Admin Chg 2, Conduct of Operations

by Diane Johnson — last modified Jan 05, 2015 08:39 PM

The objective of this Order is to define the requirements for establishing and implementing Conduct of Operations Programs at Department of Energy (DOE), including National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), facilities and projects. A Conduct of Operations Program consists of formal documentation, practices, and actions implementing disciplined and structured operations that support mission success and promote worker, public, and environmental protection. The goal is to minimize the likelihood and consequences of human fallibility or technical and organizational system failures. Conduct of Operations is one of the safety management programs recognized in the Nuclear Safety Rule [Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 830, Nuclear Safety Management], but it also supports safety and mission success for a wide range of hazardous, complex, or mission-critical operations, and some conduct of operations attributes can enhance even routine operations. It supports the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) System by providing concrete techniques and practices to implement the ISM Core Functions of Develop and Implement Hazard Controls and Perform Work Within Controls. It may be implemented through facility policies, directives, plans, and safety management systems and need not be a stand-alone program.

NEW - DOE O 422.1 Admin Chg 2, Conduct of Operations - Read More…

NEW - DOE P 481.1, DOE's Policy Regarding Laboratories, Plants and Sites Engaging in Strategic Partnership Projects with Other Federal Agencies, Independent Organizations, and the Private Sector

by Diane Johnson — last modified Dec 22, 2014 04:34 PM

The purpose of this Policy is to set the context in which DOE and its laboratories, plants, and sites should pursue Strategic Partnership Projects (SSP) with other Federal government agencies, state and local institutions, universities, foreign entities and/or private companies. The Policy is applicable to the DOE laboratories, plants, and sites, and to the DOE programs that own them and facilitate their work.

NEW - DOE P 481.1, DOE's Policy Regarding Laboratories, Plants and Sites Engaging in Strategic Partnership Projects with Other Federal Agencies, Independent Organizations, and the Private Sector - Read More…

Recent Administrative Change 12-4-14

by Website Administrator — last modified Dec 04, 2014 08:45 PM

The purpose of the administrative change is to provide the EK pay plan with continuous locality pay coverage as a result of an administrative change to the EK pay plan legislation.

Recent Administrative Change 12-4-14 - Read More…

NEW - DOE P 444.1, Preventing and Responding to all Forms of Violence in the Workplace

by Diane Johnson — last modified Nov 24, 2014 12:39 PM

The Policy states DOE's expectation regarding the prevention of all forms of violence (to include physical and psychological) within the DOE workplace and providing support and assistance to employees whose lives are affected by workplace violence.

NEW - DOE P 444.1, Preventing and Responding to all Forms of Violence in the Workplace - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE O 452.2C, Security and Use Control of Nuclear Explosives and Nuclear Weapons

by Diane Johnson — last modified Nov 19, 2014 09:16 PM

The Order establishes requirements to implement the nuclear explosive security and use control (UC) elements of DOE O 452.1D, Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety (NEWS) Program, to ensure authorized use, when directed by proper authority, and protect against deliberate unauthorized acts (DUAs), deliberate unauthorized use (DUU), and denial of authorized use (DAU).

DRAFT - DOE O 452.2C, Security and Use Control of Nuclear Explosives and Nuclear Weapons - Read More…

NEW - DOE O 331.1C Chg 3, Employee Performance Management and Recognition Program

by Diane Johnson — last modified Nov 14, 2014 03:31 PM

To establish requirements and responsibilities for the performance management program for all supervisory and non-supervisory employees at grades GS-15 and below or equivalent, employees in EJ and EK pay bands IV and V in the Excepted Service, and all wage grade employees. Admin Chg 1, dated 2-16-11. Admin Chg 2, dated 2-26-2013. Admin Chg 3, dated 11-13-14 cancels Admin Chg 2. Chg 3 includes additional clarification of information for QSI.

NEW - DOE O 331.1C Chg 3, Employee Performance Management and Recognition Program - Read More…

DRAFT-DOE O 325.2, Position Management and Classification

by Website Administrator — last modified Oct 31, 2014 11:54 AM

The Order establishes Departmental requirements and responsibilities for classifying positions using the General Schedule (GS) and the Federal Wage System (FWS) standards.

DRAFT-DOE O 325.2, Position Management and Classification - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE O 333.1, Administering Work Force Discipline

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 27, 2014 07:55 PM

To provide requirements and responsibilities for administering workforce discipline that includes disciplinary, adverse, and alternative corrective actions in the Department of Energy (DOE).

DRAFT - DOE O 333.1, Administering Work Force Discipline - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE G 444.1-1, Guide on Preventing and Responding to All Forms of Violence in the Workplace

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 21, 2014 07:28 PM

To ensure all sites have the tools to implement processes, we have created this guide. Each site is expected to develop its own site specific set of procedures/process to implement DOE Policy 444.1 Preventing and Responding to all forms of violence in the Workplace.

DRAFT - DOE G 444.1-1, Guide on Preventing and Responding to All Forms of Violence in the Workplace - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE O 329.2, Excepted Service Authority for Exceptionally Well Qualified (EWQ) EQ Pay Plan Employees

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 21, 2014 04:58 PM

To establish requirements and responsibilities for the employment and compensation of individuals when using the following DOE excepted service authority: Section 313 division D of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-76), hereafter referred to as appointment authority EWQ and pay plan EQ.

DRAFT - DOE O 329.2, Excepted Service Authority for Exceptionally Well Qualified (EWQ) EQ Pay Plan Employees - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE O 329.1A, Excepted Service Authorities for EJ and EK Pay Plans

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 21, 2014 02:04 PM

To establish requirements and responsibilities for the employment and compensation of individuals when using the following DOE excepted service authority: a. Section 621(d) of the DOE Organization Act (42 United States Code (U.S.C.), section 7231(d), hereafter referred to as pay plan EJ. b. Section 3161(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 (Public Law 103-337, October 5, 1994) and renewals, hereafter referred to as pay plan EK.

DRAFT - DOE O 329.1A, Excepted Service Authorities for EJ and EK Pay Plans - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE G 580.1-1A, Personal Property

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 16, 2014 11:57 PM

This Guide provides non-regulatory guidance and information to assist DOE organizations and contractors in implementing the DOE-wide and site-specific personal property management programs. It supplements the policy, requirements, and responsibilities information contained in the DOE Order cited above and clarifies the regulatory requirements contained in the Federal Property Management Regulation (FMR) and specific contracts.

DRAFT - DOE G 580.1-1A, Personal Property - Read More…

DRAFT - DOE O 251.1D, Departmental Directives Program

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 16, 2014 07:02 PM

To establish directives as the primary means to set, communicate, and institutionalize policies, requirements, responsibilities, and procedures for Departmental elements and contractors.

DRAFT - DOE O 251.1D, Departmental Directives Program - Read More…

NEW - DOE O 475.2B, Identifying Classified Information

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 15, 2014 07:08 PM

To establish the program to identify information classified under the Atomic Energy Act [Restricted Data (RD), Formerly Restricted Data (FRD), and Transclassified Foreign Nuclear Information (TFNI)] or Executive Order (E.O.) 13526 [National Security Information (NSI)], so that it can be protected against unauthorized dissemination.

NEW - DOE O 475.2B, Identifying Classified Information - Read More…

NEW - DOE O 350.3, Labor Standards Compliance, Contractor Labor Relations, and Contractor Workforce Restructuring Programs

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 02, 2014 07:42 PM

To ensure that contractors pursue collective bargaining practices that promote efficiency and economy in contract operations, judicious expenditure of public funds, equitable resolution of disputes, and effective collective bargaining relationships; that contractor relations/human resources specialists achieve consultations with management and operating contractors; and that appropriate labor standards are included in DOE/NNSA contracts and subcontracts. Cancels Chapters I-III of DOE O 350.1 Chg 4. Does not cancel other directives.

NEW - DOE O 350.3, Labor Standards Compliance, Contractor Labor Relations, and Contractor Workforce Restructuring Programs - Read More…

NEW - DOE O 350.1 Chg 5, Contractor Human Resource Management Programs

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 02, 2014 07:39 PM

This directive establishes DOE responsibilities and requirements for the management and oversight of contractor Human Resource Management (HR) programs. Chg 1, 5-8-98; Chg 2, 11-22-09; Chg 3, 2-23-10; Chg 4, 4-29-13. DOE O 350.1 Chg 5, dated 9-30-2014, cancels DOE O 350.1 Chg 4. The Order is revised to reflect the cancellation of Chapters 1-3 due to the incorporation of these chapters into DOE Order 350.3; reflect organizational changes; delete reference to the DOE Retrospective Rating Insurance Plan, which is no longer available; remove the CRD from Chapter VII.

NEW - DOE O 350.1 Chg 5, Contractor Human Resource Management Programs - Read More…

Justification Memo DOE O 452.4B

by Diane Johnson — last modified Oct 02, 2014 12:02 PM

Recent events have revealed that there are organizations that are seeking to insert malicious software and/or components into the nuclear weapon supply chain that can alter functionality of the weapon and possibly cause DAU.

Justification Memo DOE O 452.4B - Read More…

Recently Approved Justification Memos

by Diane Johnson — last modified Aug 25, 2014 01:15 PM

The following Justification Memos were recently approved.

Recently Approved Justification Memos - Read More…

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