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Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE)

The collection of DOE laboratories, Nevada National Security Site, production plants, and processing facilities involved in the design, production, and testing of nuclear weapons.

The collection of DOE/NNSA laboratories, Nevada Test Site, production plants, and processing facilities involved in the design, production, and testing of nuclear weapons.

The NNSA organizations that manage NWD and/or design, manufacture, or test nuclear weapons or nuclear weapon components. Included in the NSE are:

(1) NNSA Headquarters and Site Offices,

(2) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,

(3) Los Alamos National Laboratory,

(4) Sandia National Laboratories,

(5) Pantex Plant,

(6) Kansas City Plant,

(7) Y-12 National Security Complex,

(8) NNSA operations at the Savannah River Site, and

(9) Nevada National Security Site.

The NNSA organizations that manage nuclear weapon data and/or design, manufacture, or test nuclear weapons or nuclear weapon components. Included in the NSE are:

(1) NNSA Headquarters, Albuquerque Complex and Field Offices,

(2) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,

(3) Los Alamos National Laboratory,

(4) Sandia National Laboratories,

(5) Pantex Plant,

(6) Kansas City Plant,

(7) Y-12 National Security Complex,

(8) NNSA operations at the Savannah River Site, and

(9) Nevada National Security Site.

The NNSA organizations that manage NWD (nuclear weapon data) and/or design, manufacture, or test nuclear weapons or nuclear weapon components. This includes the sites run by the NNSA Production Office (NPO) contract DE-NA0001942 and other as defined in DOE O 452.4C.

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  • Safety
  • Security

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